What We Believe
The Mission of The Christian Academy
TCA provides a caring community where a challenging educational program, immersed in a biblical worldview, equips and inspires students to be servant leaders who impact the world for Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values
Students are educated in a challenging academic curriculum and committed to life-long learning (Proverbs 1:7, 2:6, 22:6).
Students are dedicated servants of Jesus Christ eager to serve their community by sharing the Gospel, making disciples, pursuing justice, and walking in humility (Galatians 5:22-23; Micah 6:8; Romans 12:10; Philippians 2:3).
Our Beliefs and Commitments
Doctrinal Beliefs
- We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Isaiah 48:12-16; John 15:26-27).
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory (John 11:25-26; John 14: 2-3).
- We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We believe that salvation is based on grace and grace alone, not by any works (John 14:16-17; Ephesians 2:8-9).
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life (John 14: 26; Romans 8:26).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (John 5: 28-29; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17).
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 12: 4-5; Colossians 2:2).
- We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
- We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, delineated in Scripture (Genesis 2:18-25).
Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
- We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.
- We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture (Genesis 2:18-25).
- We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other (1 Corinthians 6:18, 7:2-5; Hebrews 13:4). We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.
- We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God (Matthew 15:18-20; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
- We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of The Christian Academy as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to its students and members of its community, it is imperative that all persons employed by The Christian Academy in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, agree to and abide by this Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality (Matthew 5:16; Philippians 2:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:22).
- We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-21; Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
- We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31). Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture nor the doctrines of The Christian Academy.
- The act of creation involved each member of the Trinity.
- The Bible teaches that creation (“ex nihilo”) was supernaturally and intimately brought into being without any evolutionary process needed or implied (Genesis 1:1, 3,16, 21, 25, 27, 2:3; Psalm 33:6-9; 148:1-6; Mark 10:5-9; Hebrews 11:3).
- The Scriptures and hence Genesis 1-11 are the inerrant and infallible Word of God (II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20-21).
- The text in Genesis 1-11 is to be taken as authoritative, historical, chronological and narrative, and not to be interpreted as myth or allegory (Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 10:5-9; Hebrews 4:3-4)
- .The idea of adaptation within species is consistent with Biblical context, but the Bible clearly excludes macroevolution (Genesis 1:11-12 , 21-25).
- Adam and Eve were specially created by God in His image as actual human beings, the parents of all humanity; hence they are not products of lower forms of life such as hominids or apes (Genesis 1:26-31).
- An actual, historical fall of Adam and Eve brought all humanity and the world into a state of sin, misery, and subjection to pain and suffering (Genesis 3).
- God promises in His Word the provision of a Redeemer (Genesis 3:15).
The following framework sets the parameters for teaching the biblical principles found in Genesis 1-11:
- Creationism is the stated view of the school regarding the origin of the universe.
- Other theories about the origins of the universe may be presented in a way that students understand, and which will enable them to articulate how the theories impact their worldview.
- In addition, it must also be noted that several critical beliefs are found in Genesis 1-11 which are foundational to Christianity regardless of denomination:
- The existence of the Triune Godhead (Genesis 1:26),
- Creation of all (excluding God) (Genesis 1:1-2:3),
- Establishment of Marriage and Family (Genesis 2:18-24),
- Sin and Death (Genesis 3),
- Salvation through the coming Redeemer (Genesis 3:15),
- Society and Law,
- Flood (Genesis 6-9:17),
- Nations and Languages (Genesis 11),
- The uniqueness of man in God’s image.
Our Vision: Profile of a Graduate
Academic Preparedness
TCA graduates will be prepared for college and/or vocational excellence through rigorous academic curriculum and committed to life-long learning by:
- Possessing competent skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
- Achieving proficiency in mathematics and science.
- Understanding events in history (including church history) and the cultures of other peoples and places.
- Knowing how to utilize resources, including technology, to find, analyze, and evaluate information.
- Applying the critical thinking skills, of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.
- Fostering creativity, empathy, aesthetic awareness, cultural exposure, and an appreciation of diversity through music, theater, dance, and the visual arts.
- Demonstrating an understanding of the practice of lifetime fitness, stress management skills and healthy nutrition.
- Valuing intellectual inquiry and engaging in the marketplace of ideas (open, honest exchange of ideas).
Spiritual Development
TCA graduates are disciples of Jesus Christ, and able to rightly interpret and apply the Word of God, share the Gospel to a lost world, and defend their faith by:
- Appropriating the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and integrating God’s Word in everyday life.
- Understanding the worth of every human being as created in the image of God and acknowledging God as the creator and sustainer of all things while recognizing the pervasive effects of sin in marring the creation of God and our understanding of both God and the world He has made.
- Recognizing their identity and responsibilities as image-bearers of God, created uniquely in His image.
- Knowing and understanding that God has a plan and purpose for their lives.
- Understanding and articulating the meaning of a Christian worldview and dialoguing effectively with those who hold a different worldview.
- Possessing apologetic skills to defend their faith.
Christian Service
TCA graduates are dedicated servants of Jesus Christ eager to serve their community through sharing the Gospel, making disciples, pursuing justice, and walking in humility by:
- Displaying biblical leadership skills and service in religious, civic, political, and/or social organizations.
- Demonstrating knowledge of and appropriate respect for people, created in the image of God, who do not share the same race, sex, religion, culture, socioeconomic background, age, moral values, linguistic background, or physical abilities.
- Understanding their strengths and talents and using those to serve others.
- Pursuing their unique passions and seeking to influence the culture for Christ through excellence in all their endeavors.
- Demonstrating stewardship of the earth and its resources in the reflection of the responsibilities given by God to humans.
- Demonstrating respect and appropriate social acumen both in face-to-face and in written interactions and communications.